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每日一歌,今天为大家送上Wonderful Tonight
it's late in evening,
she's wondering what clothes to wear,
she's puts on her make up,
and brushes her long blonde hair.
and then she asks me:
"do i look all right?" and i say:"
yes,you look wonderful tonight."

we go to a party,
and every one turns to see,
this beautiful lady,
is walking around with me,
and then she asks me:
"do you feel all right?" and i say:
"yes,i feel wonderful tonight."
i feel wonderful
because i see the love light in your eyes.
then the wonder of it all
is that you just don't realize.
how much i love you.

it's time to go home now,
and i've got an aching head,
so i give her the car keys,
and she helps me to bed,
and then i tell her,
as i turn out the light,
i say:"my darling you were wonderful tonight,
oh,my darling you were wonderful tonight.

2007-02-07 09:25:29   此文章已经被查看243次   
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