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靓颖今天将演绎 remember me
  1.Leslie Parrish 演唱的 REMEMBER ME为《头文字D》(Initial D) 动画版 主题曲
   这是游戏主题曲,赛车的动感,和车手的梦想与报复,都在强烈的节奏与轻快的音乐中体现! 大家明天就又可以欣赏到动感的靓颖了!
  Remember me
  I feel you so close to me
  I hope you still think of me
  Even I know you found another love
  You took away me chance to
  Be with you forever
  To be your love and stay together
  You gave away the precious love
  That we had to somebody else
  Oh baby I wanna tell you
  Remember me
  Remember everything we used to be
  Can you feel me heart pounding pounding
  Will be forever
  Will you
  Remember you
  Remember me
  I remember everything we used to be
  'Cos my blood is still pumping pumping
  Will be forever
  Will you remember me
  I need you, but it's OK
  I know that, I'll find my way
  I will begin to find another love
  You took away me chance to
  Be with you forever
  To be your love and stay together
  You gave away the precious love
  That we had to somebody else
  Oh baby I wanna tell you
  Remember me
  Remember everything we used to be
  Can you feel me heart pounding pounding
  Will be forever
  Will you
  Remember you
  Remember me
  I remember everything we used to be
  'Cos my blood is still pumping pumping
  Will be forever
  Will you remember me
  I feel you
  Even I know
  Be with you forever
  To be your love and stay together
  You gave away the precious love
  That we had to somebody else
  Oh baby I wanna tell you
  Remember me
  Can you feel me heart pounding pounding
  Remember you
  Remember me
  'Cos my blood is still pumping pumping
  Will be forever
  Will you remember me
  2 另一种说法是 Beverley Knight JAZZ版的Remember Me
  Beverley Knight - Remember Me 该网址不再展示
  Do you remember
  There was once a young woman
  And she had loved you like no other before
  When you were together
  You were the heart and soul of the party
  Now them days is over
  Them times, them times are no more
  Though you're gone I can still feel your presence
  Least I think that's the way it should be
  So wherever you are take a minute
  Remember me, remember me
  Sometimes it feels like I'm left in this darkness
  God called your number and then he just turned out the light
  Heaven embraced you and I know, I know that you're happy
  But, oh I miss you, I miss, I miss you and I cry for you every night
  Well, one day we will be reunited
  Least I hope that is our destiny
  So while you chill in the arms of angels
  Remember me, remember me
  Remember me, oh please
  Remember me
  Remember me

2005-07-22 15:00:53   此文章已经被查看110次   
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