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Silent (英文散文,我喜欢!)
Silent night, provides the best time for the tired people to relax, to wash off the pressure of the body and mind. Tired people need it, the students pursuing great ideals need it. For my part, I am afraid of it.
Each descending of darkness, means my idling away one day. Feelings of guilt take up my whole heart, as makes me too hard fall asleep. Eventually, I fall asleep, but nightmares always accompany me to the morning of the next day.Can one wrong choice become the turning point of one’s whole life , I ask myself. After looking for the answer several years, I get the positive answer, but I want the negative answer.

So I go on looking for my favorite answer, hopefully.The sun still rises every day in the east, and lots of things seem changeless. But we need change in our lives. Not change for change’s sake, but change to make our life get better.Silent nigh, teaches me to think, to grow up.
2004-11-19 10:48:42   此文章已经被查看44次   
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