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Department De&#115cription

The Customer Network Resolution Center is the customers’ single point of contact for all issues affecting operational networks. The Resolution Center will resolve Customer issues independently or will team with other company organizations, as needed, to provide solutions in a timely manner. The Customer Network Resolution Center is dedicated to providing Customers with best-in-class technical support and services for their wireless systems.

Good English command is absolutely required.
Team work spirit, proactive, fast learning, flexible, willing to do more.

The responsibilities include, but are not limited to the following:

1) Analyze product failures and rationalize the cause and resolution. Document the results in the ticket-tracking database. Thoroughly document the customer's concern and be able to discern the severity of issues . Provide periodic updates to Customers about the status of open cases.

2) Specialize in problems of a complex nature while demonstrating superior analytical skills and manage cycle time expectations by driving issues to closure complying with established Scorecard goals.

3) Effective interpersonal skills, written, and oral communication skills are an absolute requirement; clear understanding must be attained in all communication.

4) Understands the internal processes that ultimately furnish our customers with finished product and post sales support. Is familiar with the principle individuals and is able to eliminate resistance to resolutions.

5) Develop and maintain technical expertise about a designated product mix. Provide technical assistance to both Support Center personnel and intra department employees.

6) Develop quality installation, implementation, and troubleshooting standards

7) Participate in an on-call rotation . This position must be staffed 24 hours per day and 365 days per year.

8) Report and assist in prioritizing software and hardware problems

9) Develop service documentation and procedures and review/influence product documentation for usability and serviceability

10) Requires travel in support of other customer activities

11) Maintain leadership and control of technical bridge established for outage recovery. Determine severity of outage and best possible recovery approach.

2006-09-28 18:05:40   此文章已经被查看408次   
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