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发件人: Albee.Li [李喆]
发送时间: 2006年4月17日 16:37
收件人: hellen.lin [林蘇穎]; Cary.Chang [常任遠]; Scott.Shen[沈世祥]; Fly.Wang [汪菲]; Stelia.Wang [王賢婕]; Faver.Sheng [盛夏]; Cretia.Zhang [章莉莉]; Kelly.Wu [吳燏瑛]
主题: 答复: secretary response in EMC..funny..---FW: Do not assume or take things for granted
陆纯初(Loke Soon Choo)为EMC大中华区总裁,统管EMC设在中国的运营业务。陆纯初在IT领域拥有20年以上的经验,曾任职于IBM、西门子、甲骨文公司,具有丰富的高层管理经验。陆纯初拥有新加坡大学工商管理学位。


发件人: hellen.lin [林蘇穎]
发送时间: 2006年4月17日 16:26Albee
收件人: Albee.Li [李喆]; Cary.Chang [常任遠]; Scott.Shen[沈世祥]; Fly.Wang [汪菲]; Stelia.Wang [王賢婕]; Faver.Sheng [盛夏]; Cretia.Zhang [章莉莉]; Kelly.Wu [吳燏瑛]
主题: 答复: secretary response in EMC..funny..---FW: Do not assume or take things for granted


发件人: Albee.Li [李喆]
发送时间: 2006年4月17日 16:26
收件人: Cary.Chang [常任遠]; hellen.lin [林蘇穎]; Scott.Shen[沈世祥]; Fly.Wang [汪菲]; Stelia.Wang [王賢婕]; Faver.Sheng [盛夏]; Cretia.Zhang [章莉莉]; Kelly.Wu [吳燏瑛]
主题: 答复: secretary response in EMC..funny..---FW: Do not assume or take things for granted




发件人: Cary.Chang [常任遠]
发送时间: 2006年4月17日 16:19Albee
收件人: hellen.lin [林蘇穎]; Scott.Shen[沈世祥]; Fly.Wang [汪菲]; Albee.Li [李喆]; Stelia.Wang [王賢婕]; Faver.Sheng [盛夏]; Cretia.Zhang [章莉莉]; Kelly.Wu [吳燏瑛]
主题: 答复: secretary response in EMC..funny..---FW: Do not assume or take things for granted


发件人: hellen.lin [林蘇穎]
发送时间: 2006年4月17日 16:14
收件人: Cary.Chang [常任遠]; Scott.Shen[沈世祥]; Fly.Wang [汪菲]; Albee.Li [李喆]; Stelia.Wang [王賢婕]; Faver.Sheng [盛夏]; Cretia.Zhang [章莉莉]; Kelly.Wu [吳燏瑛]
主题: 转发: secretary response in EMC..funny..---FW: Do not assume or take things for granted
重要性: 低


From: Chen, Ivona
Sent: 2006年4月17日 15:51
Subject: FW: secretary response in EMC..funny..---FW: Do not assume or take things for granted
Importance: Low

This is the most amazing mail I have ever saw…
Be Open, Be Direct J


From: Yang, Elena
Sent: 2006年4月17日 15:39
Subject: FW: secretary response in EMC..funny..---FW: Do not assume or take things for granted

人家的secretary好拽啊 -_-b

Original Message-----
From: Brent Yuan [mailto:]
Sent: Wednesday, April 12, 2006 11:28 AM
Subject: FW: Do not assume or take things for granted



From: Nan Zhang [mailto:]
Sent: 星期一 2006-04-10 16:25
To: Tian,Uko (HW)
Subject: FW: Do not assume or take things for granted
知道soon choo是谁吗?
From: Hu, Rui [mailto:Hu_R]
Sent: 2006年4月10日 13:48
To: Loke, Soon Choo
Cc: China All (Beijing); China All (Chengdu); China All (Guangzhou); China All (Shanghai); Lai, Sharon
Subject: FW: Do not assume or take things for granted
Soon Choo,
第三, 你无权干涉和控制我的私人时间,我一天就8小时工作时间,请你记住中午和晚上下班的时间都是我的私人时间。
第四,从 到EMC的第一天到现在为止,我工作尽职尽责,也加过很多次的班,我也没有任何怨言,但是如果你们要求我加班是为了工作以外的事情,我无法做到。

From: Loke, Soon Choo
Sent: Saturday, April 08, 2006 1:13 AM
To: Hu, Rui
Cc: Ng, Padel; Ma, Stanley; Zhou, Simon; Lai, Sharon
Subject: Do not assume or take things for granted
Rebecca, I just told you not to assume or take things for granted on Tuesday and you locked me out of my office this evening when all my things are all still in the office because you assume I have my office key on my person.
With immediate effect, you do not leave the office until you have checked with all the managers you support - this is for the lunch hour as well as at end of day, OK?

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(此文由littlemonk在2006-04-27 09:15:05编辑过)
2006-04-27 09:13:34   此文章已经被查看722次   
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