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** Summary

This FAQ addresses the issue of whether mobile phone (cellular phone)
base station antennas (towers, masts) are a risk to human health.
Issues surrounding the phones themselves are addressed indirectly, and
some aspects of the FAQ are also relevant to other types of broadcast
antennas. While discussion of general issues are international, some
of the technical and regulatory aspects of the FAQ are USA-specific.

Mobile phone base stations are low-power multi-channel two-way radios.
A mobile phone (cell phone) is a low-power, single-channel, two-way
radio. When you talk on a mobile phone, you (and perhaps dozens of other
people around you) are talking to a nearby base station. From that base
station your phone call goes into the regular land-line phone system.

Because mobile phones and their base stations are two-way radios, they
produce radio-frequency (RF) radiation (that's how they communicate),
and they expose people near them RF radiation. However, because both
the phones and the base stations are low power(short range), the RF
radiation exposure levels from them are generally very low.

The consensus of the scientific community, both in the US and
internationally, is that the power from these mobile phone base station
antennas is far too low to produce health hazards as long as people are
kept away from direct access to the antennas (see Q13 and Q14).

It is critical to be aware of the difference between antennas (the
objects that produce RF radiation), and the towers or masts or
structures that the antennas are placed on. It is the antennas that
people need to keep there distance from, not the structures that hold
the antennas.

There might be some reasons to be concerned about human health effects
from the hand-held mobile phones themselves (although it is not known
that any risks to human health actually exist). These concerns exist
because the antennas of hand-held phones deliver much of their RF energy
to very small volumes of the user's body. Base station antennas do not
create such localized exposures (unless you are standing directly in
of one), so the potential safety issues concerning the hand-held phones
have no real applicability to the base station antennas.


2006-08-09 13:30:38   此文章已经被查看340次   
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