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bad worse worst

1,not good unpleasant or likely to cause problems 不好,good的反义词,令人不快的,带来麻烦的。
I have some bad news for you.
I thought things couldn't possibly get any worse.
The plane was delayed for several hours by bad weather.
It's difficult to break bad habits.
a bad smell

2,low in quality or below an acceptable standard 质量差的,让人没法接受的。
The failure of the company was due to bad management.
Your handwriting is so bad I can hardly read it.
That was the worst movie I've ever seen.

3,not sensible, or not suitable in a particular situation 不合理的,不合适的(常用于名词前)。
Cutting spending at this time is a bad idea.
Making big changes in your diet all at once is a bad thing to do.

4,morally wrong or evil 没有道德,邪恶的。
He's a bad man - keep away from him.
坏蛋:bad guy

5,wrong behaviour 错误的行为,常用于口语,多用来形容小孩或宠物,类似于“淘气的”
Katie was very bad today!
bad girl/dog etc
Bad cat! Get off the table!

6,serious or severe 严重的
He was in a bad accident.
The pain in my side is worse than it was yesterday.

7,a bad time/moment etc 不合适的时间
It's a bad time to have to borrow money, with interest rates so high.
You've come at the worst possible moment. I have a meeting in five minutes.

8,harmful 有害的
Pollution is having a bad effect on fish stocks.
Smoking is bad for your health.
Too much salt can be bad for you.
It is bad for kids to be on their own so much.

bad fish
This milk has gone bad.

bad at (doing) something
I'm really bad at chess.
They have got to be the worst band on the planet.

11 bad heart/leg/back etc 受伤的,不能正常活动的
I haven't been able to do much because of my bad back.

We were shocked to hear the little boy using bad language in front of his mother.
Jacky said a bad word!

13,be in a bad mood also be in a bad temper 心情不好
The boss is in a bad mood.

14,feel bad
a) to feel ashamed or sorry about something 为某事感到羞愧或遗憾
feel bad about (doing) something
I felt bad about not being able to come last night.
feel bad for
I feel bad for Ann - she studied so hard for that test and she still didn't pass.
b) to feel ill 生病了

15,not bad 口语,好的意思,比预期的好
'How are you?' 'Oh, not bad.'
That's not a bad idea.

16,not too/so bad 口语,没有预期的坏(not bad与not too bad,意思不同噢。)
The exams weren't so bad.

17,too bad
a) used to say that you do not care that something bad happens to someone 表示你不关心
'I'm going to be late now!' 'Too bad, you should have gotten up earlier.'
b) used to say that you are sorry that something bad has happened to someone 表示遗憾
It's too bad that you couldn't come to the party last night.

18,go from bad to worse 情况变得更糟糕
The schools have gone from bad to worse in this area.

19,be in a bad way 有病,心情不好,受伤的,状态不佳
She was in a bad way after the funeral(葬礼).

20 a bad name 名声不好
have/get a bad name
The bar had a bad name and was avoided by all the locals.
give somebody/something a bad name
These annoying tourists give all Americans a bad name.

21 bad blood 人与人之间充满仇恨
bad blood between
There's too much bad blood between them.

22 it's bad enough..... 口语,己经够糟糕了。
It's bad enough having to bring up three kids on your own without having to worry about money as well!

2007-12-24 23:56:09   此文章已经被查看587次   
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