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等    级:资深长老
经 验 值:13819
魅 力 值:3595
龙    币:2381
积    分:8039.4
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XXX: We urgently need you to response whether there is any chance for you to bring any nice situdents to this great group?

I: what is the criteria for nice girl?

XXX: Robinson(109677662) 23:35:49
1.height:1.60 plus
2.clear curve.
3.fair skin
4 be attractive
5 angle face
6 demoniac stature

XXX: it's not high at all, I think, in China, girls with the first 3 points, I mentioned, are typical ones, without so much attractiveness to guys like us, matured men.

XXX: But, as I mentioned, the 3 points I said, are just basic points, the really good ones, are ones with great potential, personality and of cause, curiosity, to guys, who are chatting at this cold night, as a night owl.

XXX: i love to see the gals who put on mini skirt with high-heel shoes

I: I think the girls who meet your criteria are too busy to chat with you in this group.

XXX: Ok, it's getting late, let's get a great dream, in which we are surrounded by concubines, and enjoying a emperor's life..

2008-01-03 23:50:26   此文章已经被查看781次   
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