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1 a foolish action, remark etc is stupid and shows that someone is not thinking sensibly [= silly]:
I've never heard anything so foolish in all my life.
It would be foolish to ignore his advice.
be foolish enough to do something
I was foolish enough to believe him.
2 a foolish person behaves in a silly way or looks silly [= stupid]:
I was young and foolish at the time.
a foolish grin
look/feel foolish
He'd been made to look foolish.

1 showing a lack of good sense or good judgment [= silly]:
stupid mistakes
That was a stupid thing to say.
I can't believe Kate was stupid enough to get involved in this.
stupid idea/question
Whose stupid idea was this?
It was stupid of me to lose my temper.
2 having a low level of intelligence, so that you have difficulty learning or understanding things:
He understands - he's not stupid.
I couldn't do it, and it made me feel stupid.
3 spoken used when you are talking about something or someone that makes you annoyed or impatient:
I can't get this stupid radio to work.
What is that stupid idiot doing?
4 stupid with cold/sleep/shock etc unable to think clearly because you are extremely tired, cold etc
2008-01-30 15:23:55   此文章已经被查看299次   
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