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英国人谎话大排行 “我很好”居榜首
The Brits really are fine with fibbing!

Do you mind telling fibs?

Brits really don't mind telling fibs, for not only does the average Brit man lie five times a day, but the women too lie at least thrice a day.

"Nothing's wrong - I'm fine," is the most frequent, with 28 per cent of those interviewed saying it was their favourite untruth, according to a survey carried out for the drinks brand WKD.

A spokesman of WKD said: "Fortunately most of the fibs we unearthed are only white lies.

"But it's men who tell the most fibs, coming out with five every day compared with women who lie just three times."

One in five males said he would lie to his girlfriend to go to the pub and almost a quarter of men have told a partner she looked good in an outfit, despite thinking the opposite.

Next comes "Nice to see you", followed by "I haven't got any cash on me", "I'll give you a ring", "Sorry, I missed your call", "We'll have to meet up soon" and "I'm on my way".

So women need not to get their hopes up when they hear their partners say “I'll give you a ring”.

Other lies that made it to the list was "No, your bum doesn't look big in that", which came in at the eight spot, as well as "Of course I love you," which was 12th on the list, reports The Sun.

The rest of the top 20 are: "I'm stuck in traffic", "What text?", "I had no signal", "Of course I love you", "Our server was down", "My alarm didn't go off," "The cheque is in the post", "My battery died", "The train was delayed", "I'll phone you back in a minute", "This tastes delicious" and "I'm going to the gym tonight".

Four lies a day adds up to 1460 a year or 88,000 in the average 60-year adult life.

Most lies are to work colleagues, followed by parents, then partners.(Agencies)

英国人谎话大排行 “我很好”居榜首












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