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美国Aveeno婴儿天然燕麦舒缓润肤霜 奶藓/湿疹宝宝很适用 140克


~美国医生推荐~ Aveeno婴儿天然燕麦舒缓润肤乳 湿疹宝宝福音

★ 临床证明这款乳霜经证明能有效防治宝宝身上的湿疹。含有安抚肌肤的天然燕麦成分,针对于湿疹所造成的皮肤干燥、水分流失特别有效,能全天候保湿滋润!

★ 性质温和,新生婴儿及敏感性皮肤的宝宝都可使用!

★ 无香料。

★ 质地清爽不油腻,适合四季使用。

★ 配合“Aveeno天然燕麦无泪沐乳”一起使用,效果更佳。



This is the ONLY lotion that will work on my little boy's eczema! I too have tried many other lotions, Vaseline, pre&#115criptions, etc. My son gets the winter-time eczema on his cheeks and in the crook of his arms. This lotion (along w/ the Soothing Relief Creamy Wash) works WONDERS! You will definitely see a difference within a week.
-- Angelica, Winder, GA on December 21, 2007


My son gets eczema on his cheeks in the winter and this cream totally nips that in the bud. Excellent!
-- Kim C, Silver Spring, MD on December 15, 2007


I tried EVERYTHING for my daughter's eczema and I mean everything: Cetaphil, Eucerin, Vaseline, and even pre&#115cription items that her dermatologist prescribed. Nothing worked. Then a friend of mine told me to try Aveeno products. She said Aveeno was good on Eczema. I tried this cream because the label said "eczema". GREAT results! Works even better if used with the matching Relief Bodywash.
-- Anonymous on December 12, 2007


美国Aveeno婴儿天然燕麦舒缓润肤霜 奶藓/湿疹宝宝很适用 227克


~美国医生推荐~ Aveeno婴儿天然燕麦舒缓润肤乳 湿疹宝宝福音

★ 临床证明这款乳霜经证明能有效防治宝宝身上的湿疹。含有安抚肌肤的天然燕麦成分,针对于湿疹所造成的皮肤干燥、水分流失特别有效,能全天候保湿滋润!

★ 性质温和,新生婴儿及敏感性皮肤的宝宝都可使用!

★ 无香料。

★ 质地清爽不油腻,适合四季使用。

★ 配合“Aveeno天然燕麦无泪沐乳”一起使用,效果更佳。



This is the ONLY lotion that will work on my little boy's eczema! I too have tried many other lotions, Vaseline, pre&#115criptions, etc. My son gets the winter-time eczema on his cheeks and in the crook of his arms. This lotion (along w/ the Soothing Relief Creamy Wash) works WONDERS! You will definitely see a difference within a week.
-- Angelica, Winder, GA on December 21, 2007


My son gets eczema on his cheeks in the winter and this cream totally nips that in the bud. Excellent!
-- Kim C, Silver Spring, MD on December 15, 2007


I tried EVERYTHING for my daughter's eczema and I mean everything: Cetaphil, Eucerin, Vaseline, and even pre&#115cription items that her dermatologist prescribed. Nothing worked. Then a friend of mine told me to try Aveeno products. She said Aveeno was good on Eczema. I tried this cream because the label said "eczema". GREAT results! Works even better if used with the matching Relief Bodywash.
-- Anonymous on December 12, 2007

2009-03-13 19:06:39   此文章已经被查看405次   
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