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克 莱 尔 贝 贝 幼 儿 园
Clever Baby Kindergarten
克莱尔贝贝幼儿园位于回龙观佰嘉城小区南门东侧,以英语和音乐为特色,招收中、外籍 1.5—5岁的儿童入园。
  The Clever Baby Kindergarten Located at the east of the south gate of Baijiacheng Community in Huilongguan. Children aging from 1.5 to 5 years with both Chinese and foreign citizenships are all eligible for the recruitment.
  The aim of the kindergarten: to give priority to the cultivation of children and to provide ideal spaces for them.;To give priority to the satisfaction of the parents and to provide high-quality services.
  培养目标:健康•快乐、礼貌•负责、合作• 探究、自主•自信全面发展的未来精英。
The objectives of the kindergarten: to cultivate all-around future elites who are healthy, happy, polite, responsible, cooperative, curious, independent and confident.
  The education philosophy: love and care like family members; attention to the very single day of kids.;Equal communications; walking into the spiritual world of kids.
The features of the education:Bilingual education, multi-culture education, musical education
  4大特色 Four features:
  Multiple forms of care are available to fully meet the needs of parents and kids and to provide perfect services, including delay care, weekend and holiday care.
  The ratio of teacher and student is small with importance attached to elite education and exquisite life care.
3、幼儿园提供科学营养配餐, 满足幼儿营养的需求。
Scientific and nutritious meals are provided in the kindergarten to meet the nutrition needs of kids.
4、外教老师指导英语教学 We have foreign teacher to conduct our English teaching.

Tips: If your community is a bit far from our kindergarten, we can offer school bus.

收费 Charge
1.5 — 2岁 1500元/月 1.5 — 2 years old 1500RMB/month
2 — 6岁 1200元/月 2 — 6 years old 1200RMB/month
班车 100元/月 school bus 100RMB/month
010- 59449297;13611298517 吕老师
2010-10-14 22:00:48   此文章已经被查看1945次   
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