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The First International Conference on Applied Simulation and Artificial Intelligence


The First International Conference on Applied Simulation and Artificial Intelligence


Where & when:  Xiamen, China  November 07 to 09, 2015

Web page: 该网址不再展示



Accepted and registered papers will be published in the conference proceedings to be published by World Scientific Publishing该网址不再展示 and submitted to EI Compendex for indexing.


Selected BEST papers to publish on EI Journal provided that the author do major improvements and extension within the time frame and the paper is approved by the chief editor.



Submissions must be in PDF or MS Word format and will be handled via the Conference system at the following address:



--Important dates

Paper submission: October 30, 2015

ConferenceNovember 07 to 09, 2015


--Contact Us


TEL:  15623065706


--About Xiamen

Xiamen is an island city with a rich and dramatic history, replete with pirates, rebel leaders, and European merchants. Now linked to mainland Fujian by a causeway, Xiamen retains a strong international flavor. Today Xiamen is one of China’s most attractive and best-maintained resort cities.

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