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The Usborne book of Drawing doodling and colouring

Fina Watt
Designed and illustrated by Erica Harrison and Katie Lovell

How to use this book…
On some of the pages you’ll find ideas for what to do, but you can do whatever you like.
Use pens, pencils or crayons to complete the pictures.
You could fill in large areas,or add stripes, spots or patterns of your own.
When you draw on top of a shape with a pen, wait for a couple of seconds for the ink to dry, so that it doesn’t smudge.

Fill in some of the shapes.
Doodle more flowers and insects flying around.
Complete the robots below, the doodle some more.
Draw more houses, trees, bushes and fences.
Turn these shapes into faces.
Fill the fishing boat’s net with its catch.
Doodle more clouds, stars, planets and birds.
Doodle more spiders and flies.
Draw more monsters…
Doodle amazing wigs on the actresses and actor.
Fill in the butterflies so that each one has two wings the same.
Fill the buildings and roofs with lots of patterns.
Doodle on the snails’ shell and add some slimy trails.
Doodle what you think might be stored in the jars.
Draw lots more bees.
Doodle eyes, mouths and teeth on these plants and add lots of flies about to be trapped.
Design some dresses and accessories.
Draw more penguins on the ice. (SOUTH POLE)
Doodle your ideal meal or one you’d hate to eat!
Draw pictures in the frames.
Doodle lots of things buried under the ground.
Doodle patterns on the shells.
Draw more traffic on the busy roads.
Draw scary things in the windows and more bats fluttering around.
Turn these shapes into bugs.
Doodle windows and draw more trees, buildings and clouds.
Draw birds first, then draw over the lines of the cages.
Doodle more pipes weaving under and over each other.
Doodle cats and dogs.
Finish the faces in the crowd.
Fill the pages with bugs, ants and other creepy crawlies.
Fill the trees with doodle leaves.
Draw things in the windows and washing on the lines.
Draw more things on the treasure map.
Draw pointed teeth……and add more scales.
Draw more cacti and snakes.
Turn these shapes into monsters.
Draw birds on the branches and leaves on the tree.
Doodle patterns to turn these shapes into snowflakes.
Keep on doodling without taking your pen off the paper.
Add more bats in the trees.
Doodle more swirly patterns.
Use the grid lines to draw lots of doodles.
Add patterns on the cars and their wheels.
Doodle more patterns and fill in the shapes.
Draw more snakes and add lots of patterns.
Decorate the umbrellas.
Fill the window with capcakes, pastries and cakes.
Join the shapes with doodled patterns.
Draw lots more stars and their trails.
Doodle more red and black plants.
Draw towers and turrets on the castle.
Draw more flowers then add stalks and leaves.
Doodle on the stamps and envelopes.
Doodle more lanes and vehicles to creat a traffic jam.
Scribble lots of fur on the woolly mammoths. Give the figures hair, beards and haity clothes.
Design some patterns for the beach gear.
Fill the shelves with bubbling experments. (SCIENCE LAB WARNING HAZARDOUS SUBSTANCES)
Draw lots more bright tropical fish.
Continue doodling monsters without taking your pen off the paper.
Decorate these cans, jars and boxes, then add some more.
Draw monsters around these eyes.
Draw more monkeys.
Draw the peple who are wearing these hats.
Doodle a hat on each head.

Additional designs by Vicky Arrowsmith.
Fist published in 2010 by Usborne Publishing Ltd., Usborne House, 83-85 Saffron Hill, London, ECIN 8RT.
All rights reserved.

2011-06-12 21:29:57   此文章已经被查看809次   
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