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还是有问题的 虽然从科学上无法找到直接证据 流行病学调查表明:
1。根据流行病学调查 在高压线的地区儿童的白血病例有增多的迹象
Epidemiological Studies: In 1979 Wertheimer and Leeper reported an association between childhood leukaemia and certain features of the wiring connecting their homes to the electrical distribution lines. Since then, a large number of studies have been conducted to follow up this important result. Analysis of these papers by the US National Academy of Sciences in 1996 suggested that residence near power lines was associated with an elevated risk of childhood leukaemia (relative risk RR=1.5), but not with other cancers. A similar association between cancer and residential exposure of adults was not seen from these studies.
2。 变电站旁边的磁辐射是高压线旁的得9倍(270/30) (小心阿 zz 们)
Electric and magnetic fields underneath overhead transmission lines may be as high as 12 kV/m and 30 µT respectively. Around generating stations and substations, electric fields up to 16 kV/m and magnetic fields up to 270 µT may be found.
3. 电辐射影响不大(好像说人体内本来就有电流) 磁辐射可能有问题。
4。辐射可能抑制退黑激素(Melatonin)的分泌,这种激素是人体产生用来抑制癌变(breast cancer)的。动物试验证明了这一点,人体试验不支持。
(此文由jinzi在2005-01-04 13:17:46编辑过)

It must be love!
2005-01-04 13:16:07   此文章已经被查看323次   
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