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The $HOME/.rhosts file defines which remote hosts (computers on a network) can invoke certain commands on the local host without supplying a password. This file is a hidden file in the local user's home directory and must be owned by the local user. It is recommended that the permissions of the .rhosts file be set to 600 (read and write by the owner only). The group user and others should not have write permission for the .rhosts file. If write permission is granted to the group user (and others), then permission to invoke any command on the local host will not be given to the remote host . The format of the $HOME/.rhosts file is:
HostNameField [UserNameField]

When a remote command executes, the local host uses the local /etc/hosts.equiv file and the $HOME/.rhosts file of the local user account to validate the remote host and remote user.
Host-Name Field


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