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等    级:资深长老
经 验 值:12437
魅 力 值:378
龙    币:36641
积    分:16156.1
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Rule #1: A project manager should visit everyone who is building anything for his project at least once, should know all the managers on his project (both government and contractor), and know the integration team members. People like to know that the project manager is interested in their work and the best proof is for the manager to visit them and see first hand what they are doing.
1. 拜访每一个对项目成立有帮助的人至少一次;认识所有和项目有关的经理(政府和承包商),还有所有的团队成员。人们希望知道项目经理对他的工作感兴趣,对此最好的证明就是拜访他们,亲自看看他们在作些什么。
Rule #2: A project manager must know what motivates the project contractors (i.e., their award system, their fiscal system, their policies, and their company culture).
2. 项目承包商的激励因素是什么(例如,他们的奖励系统、财政系统、企业战略和公司文化)。
Rule #3: Management principles still are the same. It is just that the tools have changed. You still find the right people to do the work and get out of the way so they can do it.
3. 管理的原则都是一样的,变化的只是方法。你只需找到合适的人然后让开,让他放手去做。
Rule #4: Whoever you deal with, deal fairly. Space is not a big playing field. You may be surprised how often you have to work with the same people. Better they respect you than carry a grudge.
4. 公平地对待任何人。太空可不是大运动场。你也许会诧异于怎么会经常与相同的一些人共事。受到他们的尊敬总比嫉恨好。
Rule #5: Vicious, despicable, or thoroughly disliked persons, gentlemen, and ladies can be project managers. Lost souls, procrastinators, and wishy-washy cannot.
5. 恶意的、卑鄙的或者你完全讨厌的人,男人,女人都可以成为项目经理。神魂颠倒,拖拖拉拉,优柔寡断绝对不行。
Rule #6: A comfortable project manager is one waiting for his next assignment or one on the verge of failure. Security is not normal to project management.
6. 等待下一个任务的项目经理是惬意的同时他也处于失败的边缘。对于项目管理来说安全是不正常的。
7. 一个新项目经理遇到的每个人都想让他解决自己的困难。老经理们都被他们的上级告诫:我们雇你是让你处理该你自己负责的麻烦,
Rule #8: Running fast does not take the place of thinking for yourself. You must take time to smell the roses. For your work, you must take time to understand the consequences of your actions.
Rule #9: The boss may not know how to do the work but he has to know what he wants. The boss had better find out what he expects and wants if he doesn''''t know. A blind leader tends to go in circles.
9. 老板不一定知道应该怎么去做但他一定知道他想要什么。如果老板不知道如何去做他最好要搞清楚他想要的是什么。一个盲目的领导注定要原地打转。
Rule #10: Not all successful managers are competent and not all failed managers are incompetent. Luck still plays a part in success or failure but luck favors the competent hard working manager.
10. 不是所有成功的经理都是胜任的经理,所有失败的经理也不都是失职的经理。运气可以左右成功或失败,但运气总是偏爱那些努力、称职的经理。

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