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Rule #11: Never try to get even for some slight by anyone on the project. It is not good form and it puts you on the same level as the other person and, besides, probably ends up hurting the project getting done.
11. 不要因团队中某个人的斤斤计较去追求公平。这并不是一个好方式,它会把你和其他人摆在同一个级别上,很可能到最后会对整个项目造成伤害甚至失败。

Rule #12: Don''''t get too egotistical so that you can''''t change your position, especially if your personnel tell you that you are wrong. You should cultivate an attitude on the project where your personnel know they can tell you of wrong decisions.
12. 不要过于以自我为中心,否则你会变得很顽固,特别当你的团队成员指出你的错误时。应当在项目中培养这样一种氛围:你的团队成员知道他们有权指出你的错误。
Rule #13: A manager who is his own systems engineer or financial manager is one who will probably try to do open heart surgery on himself.
13 做为自身系统的工程师或财务经理,项目经理是一个可以对自己进行心脏外科手术的人。
Rule #14: Most managers succeed on the strength and skill of their staff.
14. 大多数项目经理的成功之处在于发挥了团队的力量和技能。

Initial Work
Rule #15: The seeds of problems are laid down early. Initial planning is the most vital part of a project. The review of most failed projects or project problems indicate the disasters were well planned to happen from the start.
15. 麻烦的种子很早就被种下。初步策划是项目最重要的一部分。回顾大多数失败的项目或项目的困境,灾难往往在一开始就被安排了进来。

Rule #16: Cooperative efforts require good communications and early warning systems. A project manager should try to keep his partners aware of what is going on and should be the one who tells them first of any rumor or actual changes in plan. The partners should be consulted before things are put in final form, even if they only have a small piece of the action. A project manager who blindsides his partners will be treated in kind and will be considered a person of no integrity.
16. 努力合作需要好的沟通和及早预警。项目经理应该让他的同伴知道项目的进展情况,他应该是第一个告诉他们任何与项目有关的传闻或计划的实际变动,哪怕是一点点。一个对同事封闭的项目经理会遭到同样的待遇,他会被当做一个缺乏整体观念的人。
Rule #17: Talk is not cheap; but the best way to understand a personnel or technical problem is to talk to the right people. Lack of talk at the right levels is deadly.
17. 交谈不仅不是廉价的,而且了解一个人或技术问题的最佳方式就是与恰当的人进行交谈。在某一层面上缺乏交谈将是致命的(缺陷)。
Rule #18: Most international meetings are held in English. This is a foreign language to most participants such as Americans, Germans, Italians, etc. It is important to have adequate discussions so that there are no misinterpretations of what is said.
18. 大多数国际会议都使用英语。对大部分会议的参加者来说这都是外语,比如,美洲人,德国人,意大利人。充分的讨论是很必要的,这样才能避免翻译过程中出现的错误。
Rule #19: You cannot be ignorant of the language of the area you manage or with that of areas with which you interface. Education is a must for the modern manager. There are simple courses available to learn computerese, communicationese and all the rest of the modern "ese''''s" of the world. You can''''t manage if you don''''t understand what is being said or written.
19. 不要忽视你负责或面对的区域所使用的语言。对现代项目经理来说,教育是很重要的事情。有很多课程都教人学习计算机术语,通信术语和其他一些当今流行的术语。如果你不理解你听到的和看到的东西,你会感到手足无措。

Rule #20: You cannot watch everything. What you can watch is the people. They have to know you will not accept a poor job.
20. 你观察不到所有的事情。你所能观察到的是“人”。一定要让他们认识到你不会接受任何糟糕的工作。

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