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Rule #21: We have developed a set of people whose self interest is more paramount than the work or at least it appears so to older managers. It appears to the older managers that the newer ones are more interested in form than in substance. The question is are old managers right or just old? Consider both viewpoints.
21. 我们已经发现很多人把自己的个人兴趣看得比工作重要,至少那些老经理们看上去是这样。 老经理们都认为那些新人对形式的兴趣超过内容。问题在于是老家伙们正确还是仅仅因为他们的老?两种观点都应该考虑。
Rule #22: A good technician, quality inspector, and straw boss are more important in obtaining a good product than all the paper and reviews.
22. 在得到一件好产品的过程中,一个好技师、质检员还有班组长远比那些文件和评论重要的多。
Rule #23: The source of most problems is people, but darned if they will admit it. Know the people working on your project to know what the real weak spots are.
23. 大多数麻烦的起因都是人,但没有人会承认。要想知道你的真正弱点就得了解在项目中工作的人。
Rule #24: One must pay close attention to workaholics梚f they get going in the wrong direction, they can do a lot of damage in a short time. It is possible to overload them and cause premature burnout but hard to determine if the load is too much, since much of it is self generated. It is important to make sure such people take enough time off and that the workload does not exceed 1 1/4 to 1 1/2 times what is normal.
24. 一定要注意那些工作狂,他们一旦犯错误就会马上造成巨大损失。他们很有可能会超负荷运转导致过早耗尽。但负荷是否过重很难判断,因为很多行为都是自发的。重要的是一定要让他们有充足的时间休息,工作量不要超过正常负荷的1/4到1/2。
Rule #25: Always try to negotiate your internal support at the lowest level. What you want is the support of the person doing the work, and the closer you can get to him in negotiations the better.
25. 尽量经常从与最基层的沟通中获得内部支持,你需要的是干活的人的支持,在沟通中与他们越近越好。
Rule #26: If you have someone who doesn''''t look, ask, and analyze; ask them to transfer.
26. 如果你手下有人不看、不问、不分析,告诉他一定要改变。
Rule #27: Personal time is very important. You must be careful as a manager that you realize the value of other people''''s time (i.e., the work you hand out and meetings should be necessary). You must, where possible, shield your staff from unnecessary work (i.e., some requests should be ignored or a refusal sent to the requestor).
27. 个人时间非常宝贵。作为经理你一定要意识到别人时间的重要性(比如,你安排的工作和会议都是必要的。)你必须尽可能地避免让你的员工从事不必要的工作(比如,某些人的某些要求可以被忽略或者拒绝。)
Rule #28: People who monitor work and don''''t help get it done never seem to know exactly what is going on (being involved is the key to excellence).
28. 那些监督者和对完成工作没有任何帮助的人永远也不会知道现在发生了什么(只有参与进来才是最好的。)
Rule #29: There is no greater motivation than giving a good person his piece of the puzzle to control, but a pat on the back or an award helps.
29. 除了鼓励或奖励以外,对一个好员工来说最大的激励就是让他在自己负责的范围内有决策权。
Rule #30: It is mainly the incompetent that don''''t like to show off their work.
30。 那些不愿意展示自己工作的人大部分都是不称职的人。

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