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Rule #41: The amount of reviews and reports are proportional to management''s understanding (i.e., the less management knows or understands the activities, the more they require reviews and reports). It is necessary in this type of environment to make sure that data is presented so that the average person, slightly familiar with activities, can understand it. Keeping the data simple and clear never insults anyone''s intelligence.
41. 考评和报告的数量与对管理的理解成比例(就是说对管理知识的了解或对管理行为的理解越少,就越需要考评和报告)。在这种情况下提交的数据就有必要使那些对管理不太了解的一般人都能理解。数据保持简单清晰,不要对任何人的智商造成伤害。
Rule #42: Managers who rely only on the paperwork to do the reporting of activities are known failures.
42. 那些只依赖纸面文字来制作活动报告的经理都是被认为是失败的经理。
Rule #43: Documentation does not take the place of knowledge. There is a great difference in what is supposed to be, what is thought to have happened, and reality. Documents are normally a static picture in time that gets outdated rapidly.
43. 文件不能替代事实。将会如何,本应如何与实际如何之间有很大的差距。字面的东西通常只是对当时一刻的静态记录,而这一刻转瞬即逝。
Rule #44: Just because you give monthly reports, don''t think that you can abbreviate anything in a yearly report. If management understood the monthlies, they wouldn''t need a yearly.
44. 就是因为每月都做汇报,你别想在年度报告中省略什么事。如果管理层认可了你的月度报告,他们就不需要年度报告了。
Rule #45: Abbreviations are getting to be a pain. Each project now has a few thousand. This calls on senior management to know hundreds. Use them sparingly in presentations unless your objective is to confuse.
45. 缩写将会变成一种痛苦。现在每个项目都有几千个缩写。这就要求高层管理者需要懂得几百个。在情况介绍中要节制地使用缩写,除非你的目的是捣乱。
Rule #46: Remember, it is often easier to do foolish paperwork that to fight the need for it. Fight only if it is a global issue, which will save much future work.
46. 记住,做那些愚蠢的纸面工作总比拒绝它要容易。如果事关全局,可以省去以后大量工作,这才可以拒绝。
Contractors and Contracting
Rule #47: A project manager is not the monitor of the contractor''s work but is to be the driver. In award fee situations, the government personnel should be making every effort possible to make sure the contractor gets a high score (i.e., be on schedule and produce good work). Contractors don''t fail, NASA does and that is why one must be proactive in support. This is also why a low score damages the government project manager as much as the contractor''s manager because it means that he is not getting the job done.
47. 一个项目经理不是承包商的监工而应该是激励者。在奖金激励的情形下,政府人员应该尽最大努力使承包商们得到高分(比如,在按期完工和工程出色的情形下)。承包商们不会亏损,而NASA会,所以你要主动给予他们支持。这也是为什么“低分”对政府项目经理的打击与对承包商的打击一样,因为这意味着他没有完成任务。
Rule #48: Award fee is a good tool that puts discipline both on the contractor and the government. The score given represents the status of the project as well as the management skills of both parties. The project management measurement system (PMS) should be used to verify the scores. Consistent poor scores require senior management intervention to determine the reason. Consistent good scores which are consistent with PMS reflect a well-run project, but if these scores are not consistent with the PMS, senior management must take action to find out why.
48. 奖金是一个好工具,它能够同时对承包商和政府产生约束。得分表明项目的状况,也是双方管理技能的体现。项目管理评估系统应该被用来评分。与事实相符的低分需要在管理高层的介入下来确定原因。与事实相符的高分也与PMS系统一起反映了项目运转良好,但如果这些分数与PMS不一致,高层一定要采取行动查明原因。
Rule #49: Morale of the contractor''s personnel is important to a government manager. Just as you don''t want to buy a car built by disgruntled employees, you don''t want to buy flight hardware developed by under- motivated people. You should take an active role in motivating all personnel on the project.
49. 承包商员工的士气对于一个政府官员来说是重要的。就像你不愿意购买一辆由满腹牢骚的雇员生产出来的汽车一样,你也不愿意购买一架由士气低落的人们生产的飞行器。你应该扮演一个鼓舞所有项目参与人员士气的角色。
Rule #50: Being friendly with a contractor is fine-being a friend of a contractor is dangerous to your objectivity.
50. 对承包商友好是正确的-客观地说,成为朋友则是危险的。

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