等 级:资深长老 |
经 验 值:12437 |
魅 力 值:378 |
龙 币:36641 |
积 分:16156.1 |
注册日期:2003-02-04 |
Rule #71: Know who the decision makers on the program are. It may be someone outside who has the ear of Congress or the Administrator, or the Associate Administrator, or one of the scientists- someone in the chain of command- whoever they are. Try to get a line of communication to them on a formal or informal basis.
71. 搞清楚哪些人是项目的决策者。也许是某些局外人,他们要么是国会或部里的耳目,要么是部长助理,还有可能是一个专家,不管是谁,都是命令链中的一环。争取跟他们建立正式或非正式的沟通。
Program Planning, Budgeting, and Estimating Rule
#72: Today one must push the state of the art, be within budget, take risks, not fail, and be on time. Strangely, all these are consistent as long as the ground rules such as funding profile and schedule are established up front and maintained.
Rule #73: Most of yesteryear''s projects overran because of poor estimates and not because of mistakes. Getting better estimates will not lower costs but will improve NASA''s business reputation. Actually, there is a high probability that getting better estimates will increase costs and assure a higher profit to industry unless the fee is reduced to reflect lower risk on the part of industry. A better reputation is necessary in the present environment.
73.大多数上一年度的项目拖期都是因为评估失误而不是因为操作失误。好的评估不会降低成本,但会提升NASA的业内声誉。实际上,进行准确的评估很可能会增加成本,同时也会获得更高的利润,除非评估费用降低到它只反映了项目的较低风险。如今,获得好名声还是很有必要的。Rule #74: All problems are solvable in time, so make sure you have enough schedule contingency- if you don''t, the next project manager that takes your place will.
74. 所有问题都是可以及时解决的,所以一定要在进度中留出解决意外问题所需要的时间-如果不这样,你就会被别的项目经理所替换。
Rule #75: The old NASA pushed the limits of technology and science; therefore, it did not worry about requirements creep or overruns. The new NASA has to work as if all projects are fixed price; therefore, requirement creep has become a deadly sin.
75. 过去的NASA总是追求科技的极限,因此,不用担心需求延伸或过度。新NASA必须得在固定价格的项目下工作;所以,需求蔓延是绝对不能接受的。
Rule #76: Know the resources of your center and, if possible, other centers. Other centers, if they have the resources , are normally happy to help. It is always surprising how much good help one can get by just asking.
76. 了解自己中心所拥有的资源,如有可能还要知道其它中心的资源。如果有,他们通常会乐于伸出援助之手。只是问一句,你总会得到意想不到的帮助。
Rule #77: Other than budget information prior to the President''s submittal to Congress, there is probably no secret information on a project- so don''t treat anything like it is secret. Everyone does better if they can see the whole picture so don''t hide any of it from anyone.
77. 只要不是总统还没有向国会提交的预算草案,项目中大概就没什么需要保密的内容-不要把什么都当成秘密。如果每人都能看到全局,他会做的更好,所以不要对任何人隐藏什么。
Rule #78: NASA programs compete for budget funds- they do not compete with each other (i. e., you never attack any other program or NASA work with the idea that you should get their funding). Sell what you have on its own merit.
78. NASA的项目会争取预算资金,但他们不会互相竞争(例如,你不会抨击其它项目或者说NASA的工作理念就是你应当去争取属于自己的融资)。要靠自己的优势去争取。
Rule #79: Next year is always the year with adequate funding and schedule. Next year arrives on the 50th year of your career.
79. 下一年总是有着充足预算和时间的一年。它会在你职业生涯的50年后到来。
The Customer
Rule #80: Remember who the customer is and what his objectives are (i. e., check with him when you go to change anything of significance).
80. 记住你的顾客是谁,你的目标是什么(比如,当你想要做某些明显的改变时要得到他们的确认)。
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