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How Exposure to GSM & TETRA Base-station Radiation can Adversely Affect Humans
G J Hyland
August 2002
Associate Fellow - Department of Physics Executive Member - International Institute of Biophysics
University of Warwick Coventry, UK Neuss-Holzheim, Germany
It is perfectly true that the levels of microwave radiation in publicly accessible locations near GSM and TETRA1
Base-stations comply, by many factors of 1000, with the current safety guidelines set by the International
Commission for Non-Ionising Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).2 These limits are, however, purely thermally based
- i.e. they simply limit the intensity of the radiation to ensure that the amount of tissue heating by absorption of
microwave radiation is not in excess of what the body can cope with. If heating were the only effect of the
radiation, existing guidelines would afford the public adequate protection against the emissions of Base-stations;
unfortunately, however, this is not the case. For microwaves are waves, and, as such, have properties other than
solely intensity. In particular, the pulsed microwave radiation used in the GSM and TETRA systems of
telecommunication has a number of rather well defined frequencies that facilitate its discernment by the alive
human organism, and via which the organism can, in turn, be affected in a purely non-thermal way. This is so
because the alive human organism (and only the alive one) itself supports a variety of oscillatory electrical
biological/ biochemical activities, each characterised by a specific frequency, some of which happen to be close to
those found in the GSM / TETRA signals; this coincidence makes these bioactivities potentially vulnerable to
interference. It comes about because these oscillatory electrical activities play a role akin to the tuned circuits in a
radio, making the living organism an electromagnetic instrument of great and exquisite sensitivity that is able
to ‘recognise’ and discern the presence of the radiation ‘informationally’ by decoding (demodulating) its various
frequency characteristics, including those of any amplitude modulations. Since these activities are involved in biocommunication
and in the control and regulation of bio-processes essential to well-being, it is reasonable to
anticipate that it is the functionality of the alive organism that is impaired by exposure to radiation of sub-thermal
intensity containing bioactive frequencies; this contrasts strongly with the situation at thermal levels where actual
material damage to DNA, cells and tissue can occur. It is to be stressed, however, that unlike heating, non-thermal
(informational) influences are possible only when the organism is alive: the Dead have no electrical brain activity
with which an external electromagnetic field can interfere!
The frequency of the radiation that is used to carry the voice information (messages) in both GSM and TETRA lies
in the microwave band - a frequency range in which processes as fundamental as cell division can be interfered
with - the somewhat lower carrier frequencies characterising the TETRA radiation facilitating its deeper
penetration into tissue. On the other hand, the rates at which the microwaves are emitted in distinct groups of
flashes (or pulses) happen to be close to the frequencies of some of the brain’s own electrical and electrochemical
rhythms; accordingly, these can be amplified, interfered with, and even entrained by the radiation. In the case of
GSM, the basic ‘flash rate’ is 217Hz, but the flashes are emitted in groups of 25 at the rate of 8.34Hz – a frequency

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