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Long, Long, ago in a far away land.There lived a good King and
Long, Long, ago in a far away land.There lived a good King and Queen in a happy, happy kingdom. An evil Queen who lived nearby ruled the lower kingdom.She was the Queen of Rats! Your child will find adventure in this charming fairy tale as they play the role of a Brave knight and explore the rooms of a castle looking for the evil Queen of Rats to free the little princess of an evil spell. Enchanting music and lively, colorful graphics enhance this magical fairy tale game. For a limited time, there is an extended game use, special offer that allows you to purchase the game and then send it to as many family member and friends as you like for no extra charge. See 该网址不再展示 for complete details.
2005-08-01 18:11:49   此文章已经被查看1871次   
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