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Long, long ago there lived a king. He was not good at drawing, but he liked to draw very much.

In his palace people could see piles and piles of paper. On every piece of paper was a picture, a very bad picture. Yet the king thought all his pictures were good and he often showed them to others. The people were afraid of the king and said his pictures were very beautiful. The king was very happy.

One day, the king showed some of his pictures to an artist. The artist looked at the pictures for some time and said they were very bad. The king was very angry and put him in prison.

Some time later on his birthday, the king set the artist free. He called the artist to his palace. Again the king showed the artist some of his new pictures and asked him what he thought of them.

The artist looked at the pictures for some minutes. Then he turned to the soldiers standing behind him and said, “Take me back to the prison right now! Don’t keep me waiting!”
2005-08-01 18:20:22   此文章已经被查看148次   
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