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you should setup a new topic called 'cultural diversity' first
The Chinese cultural advocate a theory called Golden Mean. for that reason most Chinese people do not have the philosophy like western people has, that means Chinese people is not very competitive or aggressive.
by leading of the money worship, Chinese people is more interest in how to earn more money but not like the western people who pay more attention on adventure and also the reason of our living world.
a very common phrase most Chinese people likes to use for blessing is "恭喜发财". think about it deeply!
If you design a TV program like 'Big Fortune', I bet you can catch more eyes then the program you mentioned.
Yesterday I talked with 'kwanyin' the Goddess in Chinese cultural, she told me she likes money more. So, I tumble to know why Chinese people offer up a money or food like sacrifice to Buddha but western people do not offered to their God.
Because that is caused by the cultural diversity!
2006-06-07 09:19:07   此文章已经被查看303次   
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