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看不懂啊 都是E文 最后发到哪了啊? 邮箱里?
Verify Ownership of your E-mail Address
To better protect your privacy, Microsoft requires that you verify ownership of your e-mail address prior to sending you information.
Your e-mail address: ********
Instructions: An e-mail message has successfully been sent to your inbox. To complete the process follow the instructions below.
Go to your inbox at the address above.
Open the verification message from 'Microsoft' with the subject line 'Verification E-Mail'.
Click the link in the body of the e-mail or follow the instructions.

Note: If you close this browser window before completing the verification process, you may also be asked to sign in with your Windows Live™ ID.
Trouble Shooting: If you have trouble receiving your Inbox Verification E-mail, try the following:
Wrong Address
Make sure that you have typed in the correct e-mail address (displayed above). You may correct any mistakes by returning to the Profile Center and editing your e-mail address.
Junk Mail Filter
Make sure that the Verification E-mail did not get filtered into the junk mail folder of your e-mail application.
Blocked by ISP
In some cases e-mails may be accidentally blocked by anti-spam technology used by your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Contact your ISP and ask them if they are blocking e-mail sent by 'Microsoft'.
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2009-01-11 12:49:21   此文章已经被查看630次   
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