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fpt server没流量控制吗?

CommView is a program for monitoring Internet and Local Area
Network (LAN) activity capable of capturing and analyzing
network packets. It gathers information about data passing
through your dial-up connection or Ethernet card and decodes
the analyzed data.

With CommView you can see the list of network connections
and vital IP statistics and examine individual packets.
Packets are decoded down to the lowest layer with full
analysis of the most widespread protocols. Full access to
raw data is also provided. Captured packets can be saved to
log files for future analysis. A flexible system of filters
makes it possible to drop packets you don't need or capture
only those packets that you wish to capture.

CommView is a helpful tool for LAN administrators, security
professionals, network programmers, or anyone who wants to
have a full picture of the traffic going through one's PC or
LAN segment.
2004-03-16 13:00:06   此文章已经被查看79次   
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