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Iris Network Traffic Analyzer -- is a powerful yet intuitive network
traffic analyzer which allows system administrators to examine the
inner workings of their network, simplifying the detective work of
pinpointing a security breach or resolving a performance problem.
Iris takes network traffic and returns it to its original format,
dramatically reducing the time previously spent examining individual
packets. Utilizing Iris, security professionals are able to; read the
actual text of an email as well as any attachments exactly as it was
sent, reconstruct the actual HTML pages that your users have visited
and even simulate cookies for entry into password-protected websites.
Iris provides automated filters that can be set up to flag and record
specific network traffic that contains a particular MAC or IP
address, unacceptable words or websites, and more, to ensure whether
company security is being compromised or corporate policies are
abused. Iris also provides a variety of statistical measurements
allowing you to proactively identify and take the steps to eliminate
performance issues before they can result in downtime

For more information:
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