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关于孩子早期的英文写作,我曾经买过NELSON出版集团出版的PM writing系列,感觉对我很有启发。

和阅读一样,国外的写作也是分级的。PM Writing levels 分成1-25个级别,和PM阅读一样从易到难循序渐进。
Nelson的这套书我没有买全。一是在网上我只找到3册(Levels 20/21两册,Levels 24/25 一册),二是根据我家老大目前的水平,低Level的已经没有太大的意义。我真正需要的,也只是它带给我的指导性思路。

文章的key learning Area是什么? Theme是? 每个部分的Text type? Purpose? Text Structure? Language Features? 等等都有指导提示。

以我买的levels 20/21里 Snails 为例,文章类型分成两个部分,即:Narrrative 和 Information Report. (如图)

PM writing levels 20/21里,除了上面提到的两个部分,还有:
1,Explanation & Narrative.
2,Information Report & Description.
3,Recount & Procedure.
4,Narrative & Exposition.
5,Explanation & procedure.

另一本levels 20/21里的Black Rhions 则分为 Explanation & Narrative两部分.


下图为Levels 24/25,Dog Tricks 的指导提示介绍:



附: levels 20/21里 Snail Trails 叙述(Narrative)部分的原文:

Title: Snail Trails

“Oh,no!” I said to Tia, one morning.“Look at our lettuces.”

We were growing lettuces in a tub at home,in the spring.

There were green ones and red ones and ones with crinkly leaves.

Now some of our lettuces had big holes in their leaves.

“I wonder how those holes got there,” said Tia.

The next day, there were more holes in our lettuces.

“I think something has been eating them,” I said.

“Let’s ask Dad what to do,” said Tia.

Dad looked at our lettuces.

“Aha!” he said. “Can you see the silver marks on the lettuce leaves?”

“Yes,” I said.

“Those are snail trails,” said Dad.

We began to follw the snail trails.

They went down the side of the tub, across the path and under some rocks.

Dad carefully lifted up one of the rocks.

“Look at those snails!” I gasped.

There were lots of little snails under the rocks.

“Let’s put them in a bucket and take them to the park,“ said Tia.

“They can eat grass and leaves there.”

“Then our lettuces won’t get any more holes in their leaves!” I said, happily.

Information Report 原文:

Title: All About Snails.

Snails are small animals with soft bodies.

They have no backbone.

They have hard shells to protect their bodies.

There are many different types of snails.

Some snails live on land and some snails live in water.

All snails have four tentacles on their heads.

They have eyes on the longest tentacles.

Snail also have lots of little spiky teeth on a pad in their mouth.

The pad is called a radula.

A snail eats with its radula.

Snails move using a big ‘foot.’

land snails make silvery slime,called mucus, in their fooot.

The mucus help them to move along the ground.

Land snails live under rocks and in other damp, dak places.

Sometimes, many snails live in the one place.

Snails move around at night, or when it is wet.

On sunny days, snails stay out of the sun.

Land snails eat leaves, moss and other plant materials.

Sometimes, snails are pests because they eat plants in people’s gardens.

(此文由依风在2011-11-08 12:57:14编辑过)


Judge tenderly---
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