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Yesterday,Hubby called and told me he had to work overtime .oh,My plan! It's pretty bad....I was so upset that I didn't want to do anything,even the exercice which I do every monday after work . I hope the traffic would be heavy enough to make me miss the aerobic class. but,to my disserpointed , it's 30 minutes earlier when I got to the gymnanium ...........after the class.. I felt very comfable and It seemed I was a little happy .The exercice did its work. it's right that doing some exerciese would do us good,not only in health but also in spirit.
there was nothing to eat in the kitchen except one bow of chicken soup,tomatoes,cole,noodles and some leftovers.What could I cook for dinner?only chicken soup or tomatoes fried rice? finally,considering the balance of nutritiion,I cooked chicken soup noodle added cole.it tasted much difference of the the noodle cooked with chicken soup and with the water. it's the first time I cooked noodles so delicious! I was so full. After the terrific meal, I forgot those things which made me upset.
I found the workout and delicious food could help us forget the unhappy things and make us feel better.and to me, so does shopping.haha.......
2007-11-27 13:37:35   此文章已经被查看445次   
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