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日!study english with me!121-130
121. something is to pay
汉语的“有些不妙”或“有点不对头”的概念常可用something is to pay的句式来表示。这一短语常和feel或have a hunch that连用。
Bob: Didn't you see the writing on the wall?
Sue: I even didn't have the slightest hunch.
Bob: But you should be prepared for such an outcome.
Sue: I had too much confidence in him.
Bob: But he ruined your business.
Sue: Well, if I knew there would be something to pay, I wouldn't chalk it up to experience.
Bob: Well, you should chalk it up to experience.
Sue: You're right.
The manager had a hunch that something was to pay.

122. chip in: chip in除了插嘴的意思之外,还有凑钱、捐款、赞助的意思。凑钱买什么东西,或者是凑钱付大家一起吃饭的钱。论坛上也有号召捐款的帖子,个人以为不如改为凑份儿更合适。

[eg1.]The guys and I usually each chip in a few dollars when we go out for pizza on Friday nights.
[eg2.]We all chipped in to buy Jennifer a going-away present.
[eg3.]We all chipped in.
[eg4.]I'm very sorry that I can only afford to chip in a few dollars this time.

The businessman donated a lot of money to the hospital.

123. clock in 打卡= punch in= punch the clock 打卡
[eg1] Don't forget to clock in,otherwise you won't get paid.
[eg2 ]I really hated to go punch the time card every day, especially Monday morning.

time recorder 打卡机

124. to punch out 同 "clock out (off)" 指下班打卡签退。反之为"punch in", "clock in (on)', 上班打卡签到。
在 辦 公 室 或 工 廠 里 面 我 們 經 常 能 看 到 名 詞 性 的 punch, 那 就 是 “ 打 孔 機 ” 或 “ 沖 床 ” , 因 此 動 詞 punch還 可 以 解 釋 為 “ 打 孔 ” , 比 如 很 多 公 司 都 會 實 行 打 卡 考 勤 制 度 , 在 美 語 中 就 把 這 說 成 是 punch the clock, 例 ︰ Bob is glad to have a job where he doesn‘ t have to punch the clock.
[eg1]Celia : Shall I punch out for you, Rose? I'm leaving now.
Rose : No, thanks. I've to work overtime.
[eg2]What time does he punch out?(他几点打卡下班?)

125. come on to 对...轻薄;吃豆腐
Tanya slapped Bill after he came on to her.

126. come easily 易如反掌
A:Languages come easily to some people.
B:Unfortunately,it is not in my case.

127. spring for 请客
A:let me spring for dinner.

128. growl V.肚子因为饥饿而咕咕作响
A:My stomach is growling from hunger.
B:me too,I’m so hungry. I can eat a horse.

129. don't have a cow别大惊小怪
Don't have a cow! I'll pay for the damages.

130.push around 欺骗把... 推来推去; 摆布; 烦扰
Don't try to push me around!
2004-11-15 13:09:46   此文章已经被查看88次   
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