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161. Don't act black. 不要跟黑人一样.
虽然现在都已经快要迈入二十一世纪了, 不过时至今日还是有些白人会歧视黑人的, 尤其是老一辈的白人, 有时候他们的孩子作错了什么事, 他们还会骂说 Don't act black. 但是这是句非常有种族歧视的话, 不要乱用,当然也希望各位国人来到国外时要为华人争一点面子, 不要让老美说 Don't act Chinese. 那样就很不好了.

162. eat like a bird胃口小eat like a bird 用来形容一个人吃的非常少。
英文里有许多与中文相对应的俚语或成语。比如,我们中文里用“吃猫食”来形容别人饭量小,可老外们去不觉得猫吃得少,他们喜欢用“eat like a bird”来形容某人吃得极少

Lily is very slim because she eats like a bird. Lily十分苗条,因为她吃的少。

Mari eats like a bird. Yesterday she only ate a small salad and half of an apple for dinner.

163. There are plenty of fish in the sea天涯何处无芳草
我们说“天涯何处无芳草”,老外们却说“There are plenty of fish in the sea”。意思有很多东西供你选择。

"Don’t be like this, dear Tom. You know there are plenty of other fish in the sea. You are so handsome, bright and hard-working; you will find another girlfriend in less than no time."
不要这个样子,你知道,天涯何处无芳草,你又聪明又这么帅气,工 作又努力.很快就会再找到新的女友的.

164. less than no time.我们可以理解成比任何时间都快,就是"很快"的意思.
Less than a month 是不到一个月的时间.Less than a minute 不到一分钟的时间.
Just relax for a few minutes .It will take me less than no time to get the dinner ready. (你先休息一下,晚饭马上就好.)

165. Give sb. the cold shoulder" 是"对某人不友好,冷落某人"的意思. 
I don`t know what’s wrong, but she has been giving the cold shoulder recently.我不知道做错了什么吗?她最近总是对我很冷淡.

But unfortunately, no matter what Tom said, his girlfriend still gave him the cold shoulder.It seems that she has made up her mind to break up with Tom.
很不幸,无论Tom怎么说,女友对的态度依旧是那么的冷淡,看样子,她是真的下定决 心要和Tom分手了.
166. It's in God's hands  听天由命
It's in God's hands and we have prepared for the worst.
听天由命吧, 我们已经做最坏的准备了。

167. Take no prisoner
所谓takes no prisoner指的是战争时不收战俘, 抓到全部杀死的意思, 也就是说够狠.
He is really a tough guy; he takes no prisoner.他很严格, 手下绝不留情.

老美常用 tough 来形容一件事情的困难或是一个人的强硬态度,
"Today is a tough day for me." 就是说今天过得很不容易啦.
要是说 "The professor is tough." 则是说这个教授教课很严格, 很不好混的意思. 要是别人遇到这种 tough 的教授, 你就可以鼓励他, "Tough it out!" 就是说把它撑过去.
同样地, 这句话你也可以说成 "The professor goes for kill." 就是说这个教授支持杀戮. 下手绝不留情

168.be supposed to:应该,必须,被期望(be supposed to do something 被要求,被期望做某事。与be required to do something;be expected to do something同义)
You are supposed to be here at 2:00. 你应该2:00到这儿。
We were supposed to be here one hour ago。
You are supposed to clean the room at once。
Athletes who competed in the Olympic Games were supposed to be amateurs.

169.around the corner:very near in distance or time在附近(不能理解成住在街的拐角处) 即将来临
With winter just around the corner, department stores have been selling a lot of warm clothing.時序即將入冬,各百貨公司已經開始展售許多溫暖的冬衣。

We all have to work overtime, especially since Christmas is just around the corner. 我們都需要加班啊,尤其是聖誕假期就近在眼前了。

New Year is around the corner。
They only live just around the corner ---so we see them all the time.

170.live across town:live on the other side of the town本句指虽住在同一个镇上但彼此相隔的距离很远,相当于说:我住在镇的这头你住在镇的那头。在美国,town小于city大于village。
They live across the Central Plaza. 他们住在中央广场的对面。
2004-11-19 10:48:00   此文章已经被查看52次   
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