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Try to translate a little from one letter of the book and hope you can enjoy it like me
My dearist,
I am missing you so much all the time, my baby. The sea is whispering around me and she is singing the song we song together. I feel you are with me even I could smell yours like the beautiful flower. But all that bringing me now is pain and most of my life is gone I feel with you.

I am in pain and it's a big pain. When I am alone I always call you. I saw you stand in the port in my dream yesterday night. Your hair was flying with the wind. I was walking to you and held you to my breast. All my life is for the time--with you and let you back to my breast. Calm to me and I was drunk.
I touched your face softly when you closed your eyes in my hands. Your skin were so soft below my hard hands. What I wanted to do is to love you and embrace you. My baby, give me all your love and I could get it from you only.
My tear was out my eyes and I couldn't breathe. Oh sweety, I know you'd go now and that's the time.I could feel your sadness and my lonely.

Sorry I cant give you an exact translation.What I translated above is the part of the first message found in the battle.


2002-12-17 17:34:08   此文章已经被查看154次   
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