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等    级:长老
经 验 值:270
魅 力 值:434
龙    币:1368
积    分:735.4
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Motorola want two contractors. The ideal candidate must have a true passion for software development and either possess genuine interest or experience in dealing with cellular networks and devices. The candidate must also be someone who has a thirst for knowledge and be able to pick-up new technologies quickly.

Furthermore, Candidates MUST have:
? BS or MS degree, preferably in computer science, software engineering, or telecommunications
? Experience in developing embedded system, linux/Vxworks/windriver.
? Experience in database (SQL server and other database)
? BS or MS degree, preferably in computer science, software engineering, or telecommunications
? At least 1 years of working experience C/C++ development
? Experience in database (SQL server and other database)
? Have a strong passion for software development and possess vast interest and knowledge in its concepts and principles.
? Advanced software architecture design and development skills.
? Have knowledge in signaling of GSM/GPRS RAN.
? Good communication skills.
? Teamwork, solve problem independently, respond effectiv

Experiences that apply for one or more items listed is highly preferred
? Experienced in Statistics and Report generation of voice/data service
? Abundant experience on telecom equipment OAM
? Experienced in ASN.1
? Experience with Clearcase/ClearQuest

Cell phone: 13439581652 Alex
Email: AlexderD
2011-02-16 12:11:40   此文章已经被查看632次   
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