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肮脏! 美国网友更义愤填膺! 看看美国人是怎么骂它的吧. (鸭球技再好可是人品够可鄙,就象辛普森一样,虽然官司赢了,但是世人都知道它是个强奸犯)
1. kobe influence's his team into being little punks. they're a bunch of dirty players (except for gasol and bynum). kobe has always been a prick on and off the court. he's a rapist and he's a cheap shot hacker (ex. forearm into mike miller's throat in '05, even in game 1 this year against the lakers his cheap shot on Shane Battier in the first half, and now the elbow to Artest's neck) kobe is over-rated. he still hasn't done ANYTHING w/o Shaq. Lebron and D-Wade are by far better players than kobe. kobe is a primadonna. the lakers are just a bunch of girls that play dirty when they get frustrated because the Rockets are locking down on Defense. kobe will get his points, when you're throwing up 30 shots a game, you better be scoring. all the Lakers feed off of each other, Odom has always been a little @#$% and Walton just hops the bandwagon. Fish did a retaliation body check on Scola and cut his own head trying to complain as if he was the one that got fouled. Scola didn't even do anything, it's just that kobe and his Lakers like to play dirty and talk a lot of @#$%. I wish kobe and Artest fought, Artest would kill that @#$%. the Lakers won't win the championship... as usual. So many people love kobe but fail to realize, he's the reason the Lakers DON'T win championships.

2. The Lakers are getting desperate for a win. I'm a Laker fan but that changed tonight ! Laker players should get hit hard in the next game, most especially Bryant and Fisher (if he gets to play). I don't care even if its a career ending injury. I don't get it - Lakers are the favorite to win the series but the Rockets are just playing so well. And the Lakers in a desperate attempt to win tonight played very dirty. Physical play is ok but those hits by Bryant and Fisher crossed the line ! I'm glad Bryant didn't get the MVP. He should not win another MVP, nor another ring. He's blacklisted to me now.

3. NBA where refs control the game happens! Just give Lakers a Champion! What's the point to make others put efforts into the pointless games!
4. Omg you Lakers Fans are a bunch of s**t talkers ,you get on here and say that they are the best, but yet if ur the best and you think the Rockets are nothing , tell me Why ?? do you want to play dirty now Fisher should be suspended, because from the begging the beef was not with him and scola and if ur blind ass didn't see he turn around to make sure scola was there before doing what he did a bunch of thugs who can't play a real professional game THUGS !!! Now if I was Ron I would of punch the @#$% out of Kobe @#$%et ass , to make my ejection worth it .. Oh yeah Scola I am proud of you for sticking up for ur self cause usally u walk away ... f**k the Lakers .. Go Rockets !!! OUR HOUSE NEXT ..
5. 201. Posted by ricebirdn06 Thu May 7 2:45am EDT Report Abuse
Wow, the NBA never stops surprising me. The lakers were jawing and talkin @#$% the entire game, and the refs just let it continue. Ive never seen a more protected player in the NBA as kobe was tonight. That was just pitiful and disgusting to watch. Scola and Battier showed some true character by not retaliating like ALL the lakers did. FYI, I think fisher should be suspended indefinitely. It looked like harmful intent to me. Artest did not deserve an ejection, but getting in kobes face was uncalled for. Last, did yall notice the laker fans standing ovation when fisher was leaving the game. Wow, show some class laker fans. That should never happen in the NBA.
6. Rockets play tough......Lakers play dirty. The refs gave this game to the Lakers. It would be nice to have the announcers for once show unbiased announcing. I only hope that when it's all said and done, Kobe has to wear a protective mask.
7. Bye bye Derek Fisher he'll be gone for game 3. That's a punk cheap-shot and Fisher should be suspended for it.

And Kobe, while an incredible basketball player, he's stilll the most arrogant all-time of any of the great players. Once, just once, I wish someone wouid lay him out. May be Artest is the guy to do it.

I'm not sure the Lakers want to turn the Rockets into the late 80's early 90's
8.I watched the last 3 of the third and the entire 4th quarter. The reffes gave that game to the Lakes. The men in black and white due such a poor job that I think my days of watching the NBA are over.
Recommend 15 people
9. Fisher has to be suspended for that hit. Dirty. Not even dirty but dirrrrrrrrrrrty. A damn good hit but damn wrong sport. Phil Jackson must be retarded for even -trying- to minimize/rationalize it. Then again, was he equating basketball game opponents to Nazis? whatever. Odom looked like a punk and Kobe talking that trash all game deserved that technical. Did he deserve one for the elbow? Probably. Something. Artest being ejected ..no. If Artest only bumps and talks and gets ejected -not overlooking the perceived lack of respect for the officials in after losing his battle with them taking his case to Kobe- how much of a "fumble" is it to let Fisher get off with the same punishment for trying to take a head? It was plain ugly. Worst foul this playoffs.
10. Nigel T...I am glad you saw how Scola walked away from it. Don't know if you saw it, but in Game 1, when Bryant and Battier were fighting for the ball on the floor, then Bryant gave him a shove. Battier just walked away from it. When Battier got cut, seems like the refs didn't even notice he was bleeding. Battier had to point it out that "Hey guys...I am bleeding." When Fisher knocked Scola down, refs took a while on what to do. It was quite obvious, but they still had to discuss like "Um..did you see what happend?"
11. NBA gave everything, calls, non-calls for the Lakers, it went to there heads and the Lakers took their cue and played belligerently. Fish should be suspended and Kobe disciplined for the intentional elbow to the throat. He's not worried though, he knows the NBA has his back. The NBA is a joke. Everybody carries the ball and the STARS get away with murder...
12. The Lakers have played a dirty series since game 1. There is a difference between physical basketball and dirty basketball. The Lakers are simply out there playing dirty basketball. It's disappointing that the Lakers feel they need to play dirty to win and the referees are not controlling the game. The funny thing is that if a Rocket player had laid out any of the Laker players, these same Laker fans would be crying bloody murder. The Rockets did a good job playing through the bad officiating and dirty basketball. (Ron should not have been ejected plain and simple. That was a technical.)
13. i think KOBE still leads the league in Rapes
14. The Rapist shows his true colors, along with his cronies. "its just play off basketball".. whatever man.. I dont see Lebron resorting to "playoff basketball", And Hes just chugging along.. So why does Kobe have to resort to these methods... Cause Hes a rapist thug who cant win without Shaq..

tintin and snowy
2009-05-07 18:19:16   此文章已经被查看569次   
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