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等    级:资深长老
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龙    币:5800
积    分:2099.9
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We were living a small bungalow house with a small yard,the way to outside was very narrow,there was no much clearance for one person passing.Every time my father came back from farm,my mother needed to help him carrying our cart into yard,for the path was too narrow,it must turn the cart around 90 degree to carry it into:).Speak of our house,it built by government after the 1976 earthquake,almost all houses were destroyed by the calamity.
At my 5 years old,we began to build our own new house, with a big yard,it would took one almost one hour to sweep it:).After the house building completed and before we moved into,it provided accommodation for a bee-keeper,at last he returned us some bottle of honey,that was my first time to taste such delicious pure honey!and also i got a lamp from the bee-keeper,it could adjust the flame by twist a knob,in that time it should be called one of our advanced furnisher!
To be appended...
2009-09-01 17:35:50   此文章已经被查看181次   
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