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Japan struggles with nuclear reactors in wake of quake
By the CNN Wire StaffMarch 13, 2011 -- Updated 0016 GMT (0816 HKT)
  NPC If this had happened in the USA the streets would have been full of people running. One hand holding up their pants and 1 holding a stolen TV and a box of tennis shoes.
  3 minutes ago | Like (3) | Report abuse
  If there is somebody I would trust more, it’’s a Japanese. This loser in the news break video was not useful at all. There is no need for these false accusations, and condemning the Japanese like he did. They are prepared for this, if this happen some where else, lets say united states, we wouldn’’t be talking about just hundreds of people missing, who know how many thousands or millions more.
  If I were you people, I would pack my bags and go live in Japan! less
  36 minutes ago | Like (2) | Report abuse
  This accident have revealed that It is still dangarous in Nuclear prower plant.
  Japan is thought to have the one fo the higest technology in nuclear technology, But even Japan has not enogh safe technology. Even though, some people claim nuclear plant is safe, because this Fukusima accident will be analyzed and they will easily to prevent another accident like this case.
  The other coutries, especially developing countries may be more dangerous than Japan. Natural disasters like as eartrh quakes and hurricanes and the incident by human errors also can happen everywhere in the world.
  At the moment, nobody can predict how biggest accidents beyond prediction will occur in the future. Three mile in the US, Chrnobille in Russia, and this Fukusima accident have indicate us that we have to consider the safety first, the economy second. Science and technology , off course, have been progressing, but it takes long time and tremendous efforts to the assurance of Nuclear. Huge nuclear pollution will last long for hudred years.
  Why do goverment and people think Nuclear weapons more dangerous than Nuclear plants? less
  40 minutes ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
  这个事故说明,核电站还是有危险的。日本被认为有比较高端的核能技术,但他们还没有足够安全的技术,即使这样,有些人还声称核电站是安全的,因为 Fukusima事故会被分析研究,他们就可以避免再发生这样的情况。在其它国家,特别是发展中国家,可能比日本更危险,像地震和飓风这样的自然灾难在世界各地都可能发生。
  现在,没有人能预知将来会有多大的事故发生。美国的three mile,俄罗斯的Chrnobille,还有日本的Fukusima事故告诉我们,我们必然考虑安全第一,经济第二。当然,科学技术会不断发展,但这要花很长时间的努力。巨大的核污染会持续影响几百年。
  thearmy19d Japan will recover in a few years. Haiti will recover in a few decades.
  1 hour ago | Like (4) | Report abuse
  saabstories "Meanwhile, two experts from the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission with expertise in boiling-water nuclear reactors like those affected by the disaster have been sent to Japan as part of a U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) team."
  Oh yeah the NRC is going to help mitigate this disaster.. They are just mall cops that watch the clock. less
  1 hour ago | Like | Report abuse
  Jules43 "Crews at a nuclear plant struck by an earthquake, then a tsunami and then an explosion in the span of 36 hours resorted Saturday to flooding a feverish nuclear reactor with sea water in hopes of preventing a meltdown of its core." --Suddenly my "bad day" doesn’’t seem so bad.
  2 hours ago | Like (3) | Report abuse
  Marsetti Is there an international environmental group that can fine these polluting japs?
  2 hours ago | Like | Report abuse
  2 hours ago | Like | Report abuse
  Arpad101 Go buy yourself a medal.
  2 hours ago | Like (2) | Report abuse
  lucer0t CSI Fukushima...
  Sgt Tripp: "Sir, it appears the tsunami has created the possibility of a nuclear meltdown."
  Horatio: "Well Frank, I guess this is one Japanese bath that won't ...."
  *puts on sunglasses*
  "... have a happy ending."
  2 hours ago | Like (2) | Report abuse
  Sgt Tripp说:“警察,看起来海啸好像要引起核灾难了”
  tphin On behalf of the people who have been waiting all day to make that joke, I hate you and hope you get cancer.
  Also, I clicked "like." But I still hate you.
  2 hours ago | Like | Report abuse
  porgy seems to me that this could well be a case of US media going over the top. According to a Japanese "expert" this is what you call a light-water reactor and it is not possible to end up being like a chernoble or 3-mile... who do you believe??
  3 hours ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
  3 hours ago | Like | Report abuse
  Toastman Welcome all. If you want to become dumber just read the comment section. What a bunch of idiots today!
  3 hours ago | Like (10) | Report abuse
  You think it's just today?
  You must be new here. This is the biggest collection of idiots, tards, feebs, armchair quarterbacks, limp-wristed lefties, bomb-dropping right-wing fascists, Shrubya apologists, Fartbama acolytes, undecided Teapublicans, marriage-devaluing man-on-man couples, missionary-with-the-lights-off and nothing else Protestants, "Come Show Me What's In Your Pants, Little Johnny!" Catholic priests, and inexplicably ill-informed Justin Beiber fans you'll find in this galaxy. You'd have to travel for days to find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy. less
  3 hours ago | Like (1) | Report abuse

  Bullzi We are in the downriver area of Detroit, Michigan. We did not feel any effect of the earthquake, but we feel relieved in knowing the Japanese are good at working with the fallout of nuclear issues, since they have firsthand knowledge of dealing with nuclear fallout since August of 1945.
  5 hours ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
  luisjr Like in Chernobyl, the Russians wouldnt tell what was going on, only after many days they cried "Please help" Its melting!!! Run Run Run!!!!And it was too late to do anything. The japanese are doing the same, lying about what is really going on.
  5 hours ago | Like (4) | Report abuse
  TruthSeek3r and if they announce in loud speaker whats really going on, what can you do?
  5 hours ago | Like (3) | Report abuse
  decamezzo They should just load the nuclear reactors onto a ship and send them to the USA for "repairs". Maybe it will blow up there ;)
  5 hours ago | Like (3) | Report abuse
  Tacjam LOL...an what would happen to Israel? The middle east would kill you clowns one by one...dumb@ss
  5 hours ago | Like (3) | Report abuse

  Didk This just proves that mankind should stick to bows and arrows.
  14 minutes ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
  So sad on how many outsiders post against the U.S...If it wasn't for America, Europe wouldn't exist. If not for America, Asia would not exist. If not for America, Russia would not exist. Want me to keep going?
  1 hour ago | Like (4) | Report abuse
  jlapro civilizations in Europe and Africa existed thousands of years before 'America' mr. idiot, moron, whatever you want to call yourself.
  If it wasn't for America, Europe wouldn't exist."
  Europe is a continent. So what are you saying? That the contintent of Europe wouldn't exist if it wasn't for America?
  FYI. America wouldn't exist if not for England and France. The UK founded us, and France helped us in our revolution. And World War 2 didn't begin in 1941. It started in 1939. The US just came in late and took credit for everything.
  1 hour ago | Like (4) | Report abuse
  BlueOcean23 If it wasn't for France, the US would not exist as it does today. Remember who helped in the independence from England.
  1 hour ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
  this is a very very unfortunate calamity for japanese nationals and a alerts for every nations for taking nature only for use. japanese will rebuild his national with pride and own effort but its our right and huminity to come forward for make Japan much stronger and safe.this disaster push back Japanese economy around 20 year and cost around trillion dollor but this disaster will pay every nations because Japan is the economic power house. less
  1 hour ago | Like (1) | Report abuse

  mrthing2000 The Japanese build Toyotas that can't stop; they build nuclear reactors that won't turn off. BUY AMERICAN
  2 hours ago | Like (5) | Report abuse
  houskin269 Maybe they should put the Toyota engine into the cooling system..that should keep it working forever. Our politicians have sold us in the name of free trade...all in Republican Southern States.
  3 hours ago | Like (3) | Report abuse
  Jaymyn Yes Americans have such a great track record of build autos that last. American products are inferior to Japanese. If this had happened in the US the results would be far worse than what Japan is dealing with. Japan by far has the best infrastructure in the World...
  3 hours ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
  zeitsev Actually, America built their reactors.
  3 hours ago | Like (2) | Report abuse
  houskin269 Another reminder of why we need to stay and keep healthy. I am working on mine. If this happened in the USA, half of us will be too FAT to run for our dear lives.
  3 hours ago | Like (10) | Report abuse
  Jaymyn Yes Americans have such a great track record of build autos that last. American products are inferior to Japanese. If this had happened in the US the results would be far worse than what Japan is dealing with. Japan by far has the best infrastructure in the World...
    3 hours ago | Like (1) | Report abuse
2011-03-13 21:01:19   此文章已经被查看536次   
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