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Snow White

旁白;A long time ago, In a beautiful kingdom, there lived a young king and queen, the people loved them so much;winter with snow like feathers fell from the sky, a beautiful queen sitting by the window sew clothes.
皇后;the outside snow is really huge... I hope to have a daughter, T The skin is as white as snow, The hair is as black as the wooden frame 国王;I wish our daughter can be like you beautiful......
皇后;if I had such a daughter, and called her take what name?
国王;so beautiful snow...... Called Snow White...
皇后;Snow White...
旁白;soon, if the queen had a beautiful little girl, name call Snow White. But, after a few years, the queen died of illness, the king married new queen.


旁白;At that time, little the host of the house back
白雪: excuse me, someone? Lovely room! All things are so delicate, it and the king about! Such a beautiful house must be good people live, I am here to have a rest.
旁白: it's getting dark, short people after a day's work, go home.
矮人A: good hard dwarf today, but very fruitful......
矮人ABDEFG: so...
旁白;At this time, the princess woke up.
白雪: where is this? Oh, yes, this is the forest small house. Oh, who are you?
旁白: at this time, in the king's palace.
新皇后: mirror, mirror, I ask you, who is the most beautiful woman in the world?
新皇后: bad, I forget the name of the hunter, the damn name so long!
旁白: it seems this name really useful long.
新皇后: hum, it seems that this will I personally!
旁白: in the forest in small house, short people go out to work at the left, Snow White is home to study doing housework.
白雪: do the housework is really hard ah, from morning till now have more than three hours, and I couldn't even a table has not wipe the...
矮人 ABDEFG: dead? !!!!! Snow White is dead?
旁白When the dwarf saw Snow White dies, they cry sa
王子: where is this? It seems like we lost?
王子: very good, the Snow White princess, you wake up, will you marry me, and to the palace to live?
白雪: like, I would like to!!!!!
旁白: this is it, the prince and princess lived a happy life.......... And that the salt of the earth stepmother queen...... As she thought he killed the Snow White princess and overjoyed, laugh too face, now, I'm afraid the deformation of the world's most ugly person is her...... This is called roost it.

2011-06-16 20:04:18   此文章已经被查看1388次   
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