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  Britain's “Dr Death,” serial killer Harold Shipman, who may have killed nearly 300 of his patients, hid his murder spree behind the mask of a much-loved suburban doctor.

  The number of Shipman's possible victims announced in a British government Health Department report today, would place him just behind recent history's most prolific serial killer, Colombian Pedro Armando Lopez.

  serial killer:连环杀手;谢普曼表面上是一个受人爱戴的乡村医生,实际上却是杀人不眨眼的恶魔。




  Dubbed the “Monster of the Andes,” Lopez allegedly killed 300 young girls in Colombia, Peru and Ecuador although he was only convicted of 57 murders in 1980.

  A review of the records from Dr. Harold Shipman's practice, carried out by a University of Leicester professor, found that Shipman, who was convicted in February of killing 15 elderly women with injections of heroin, had 297 more deaths over a 24-year period than similar practices in the area.



  The report found that Shipman's 24-year-long trail of corpses were elderly, female and clothed. Most of the deaths tended to be women over the age of 75 who died in the afternoon and when Shipman was alone with them.

  He hoarded lethal drugs like candy and often tenderly patted his victims' hands as he injected them with heroin along with an assurance that it would cure their illness.


2013-05-08 14:25:04   此文章已经被查看643次   
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