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Four Great Ancient Civilizations

The "Four Great Ancient Civilizations" (traditional Chinese: 四大文明古國; simplified Chinese: 四大文明古国; pinyin: Sì Dà Wénmíng Gǔ Guó) is a concept frequently used in the study of history in China, referring to the civilizations of ancient China, Babylon, India, and Egypt, seen as the cradle of civilization in the history of humankind. This concept is not universally used and has came under some criticism from Chinese historians in that it does not include some other major ancient civilizations such as Sumer, Ancient Greece, Ancient Rome, the Olmec, the Maya civilization, the Chavín culture, etc, etc.

In 1900, Liang Qichao argued that there were four great ancient civilizations in his poem, The Pacific Ocean in the 20th Century (二十世纪太平洋歌). The four civilizations are China, India, Egypt, and Asia Minor. It is an early version of the Four Great Ancient Civilizations. In this essay, Liang Qichao divided the history of the world into three ages: river age, sea age, and ocean age. The four great civilizations were in the river age and all of them developed along rivers.

2015-02-12 13:57:39   此文章已经被查看219次   
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