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And now we are going to be tested. We are going to step up, all of us. It’s time for boldness for there are so much to do. And this is certain. I promise you we will be judged, you and I, by how we’ll resolve this cascading crisis of our era. Will we rise to the occasions of the question? Will we master this rare and difficult hour? Will we meet our obligations and pass along a new and better world to our children? I believe we must. I’m sure you do as well. I believe we will. And when we do, we’ll write the next great chapter, in the history of the United States of America, the American story, a story that might sound something like a song that means a lot to me. It’s called American Anthem. There is one verse that stands out at least for me. It goes like this: The work and prayer of a century has brought us to this day. What shall be out legacy? What will our children say? Let me know in my heart when my days are through. America, America, I gave my best to you. Let’s add, let us add out own work and prayers to the unfolding story of our great nation. If we do this, then when our days are through our children and our children’s children will say of us: They gave their best. They did their duty. They healed the broken land.

2021-01-25 12:32:40   此文章已经被查看37次   
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