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No.  I think our approach to China remains what it has been since — for the last months, if not longer.  We’re in a serious competition with China.  Strategic competition with China is a defining feature of the 21st century.  China is engaged in conduct that it hurts American workers, blunts our technological edge, and threatens our alliances and our influence in international organizations.  

What we’ve seen over the last few years is that China is growing more authoritarian at home and more assertive abroad.  And Beijing is now challenging our security, prosperity, and values in significant ways that require a new U.S. approach. 

And this is one of the reasons, as we were talking about a little bit earlier, that we want to approach this with some strategic patience, and we want to conduct reviews internally, through our interagency — even though I stumbled over that; I needed a little more coffee before I came out here, I guess.  We wanted to engage more with Republicans and Democrats in Congress to discuss the path forward.  And most importantly, we want to discuss this with our allies. 

So, no, the comments don’t change anything.  We believe that this moment requires a strategic and a new approach forward.

2021-01-27 11:37:28   此文章已经被查看79次   
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