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这还有。。。就这一通狂喷。。。这边这两天全是文章在分析patience ABC,有意思。让人指着鼻子骂,这不该立刻表达强硬立场给怼回去吗?


Well, technology, as I just noted, is, of course, at the center of the U.S.-China competition.  China has been willing to do whatever it takes to gain a technological advantage — stealing intellectual property, engaging in industrial espionage, and forcing technology transfer.

Our view — the President’s view is we need to play a better defense, which must include holding China accountable for its unfair and illegal practices and making sure that American technologies aren’t facilitating China’s military buildup.

So he’s firmly committed to making sure that Chinese companies cannot misappropriate and misuse American data.  And we need a comprehensive strategy, as I’ve said, and a more systematic approach that actually addresses the full range of these issues.

So there is, again, an ongoing review of a range of these issues.  We want to look at them carefully, and we’ll be committed to approaching them through the lens of ensuring we’re protecting U.S. data and America’s technological edge.  

2021-01-27 11:47:01   此文章已经被查看52次   
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