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我搜了,你那个是Black Eyed Peas的,反正我这两首歌都超喜欢;
Celine Dion版的Where is the love

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If ever a boy,
Stood on the moon
All the heavens would call them angels 'round
Stop the tears from troubled skies...
Falling... falling... falling

If ever the river could,
Whisper your name,
Would the choices you made still... be the same?
Like a flower that dies from angry rain
... Why do we hurt

Where is the love...
That lets the sunlight in to start again?
The love... that sees no colour lines
Life begins, with love,
So spread your wings and fly,
Guide your spirit safe and sheltered,
A thousand dreams that we can still believe...

If ever a boy,
Stood on the moon,
Carrying all of his treasures from the stars,
To a rainbow which leads to where we are
Together we chase the sun

Where is the love...
That lifts my brother's voice,
To the skies
The love
That answers a mother's cry
Life begins, with love,
So spread your wings and fly,
Guide your spirit safe and sheltered,
A thousand dreams that we can still believe...

A boy stood on the moon...
The ancient souls can still discover
A thousand dreams that we can still believe
That we can still believe
We can
Still believe
We can still believe...
2007-05-03 16:36:26   此文章已经被查看172次   
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