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这家加拿大原厂出品的3种蜂蜜的品质价格区别, 草原牌包装写的是liquid
Golden 官网的介绍, Honey Facts:
品质价格的排序: NATURAL (Non-Processed) > CREAMED > LIQUID


Honey Facts
Different types of honey? Here are a few facts to help clear the fog on these issues.

NATURAL (Non-Processed) honey has not been subjected to the heat of processing, only warmed enough to flow. We select only premium honey that is pure, smooth and creamy, with the consistency of soft margarine. . It contains live yeast and enzymes, because it has not been processed. And pollen because it has not been filtered, merely screened.

LIQUID HONEY has been heated (160F) to melt the honey crystal, and filtered ( 12 - 60 micron) to remove foreign material and unmelted crystals. It is unstable-it wants to go back to the crystalline state. The filtering removes nuclei (centres) around which crystals are likely to start. Although we are carefull not to damage the honey, heating can create a sharper taste (bite), and inadvertantly kills the yeast and enzymes.

CREAMED HONEY is gently warmed (Non-organic 130F : Organic 113F) enough to flow, loosly filtered (200 micron) to remove foreign matter and then it is purposely re-crystallized by adding some previously creamed honey to the batch. Crystals grow and propagate on these nuclei to form a "firm" product. Hardness depends on floral sources, moisture levels. and storage temperature.
2013-05-07 11:30:34   此文章已经被查看595次   
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